Festival Life In Washington, D.C.

If living in or visiting Washington DC, the question, ”I wonder if anything is going on this weekend?” will never have to be asked. Why? Because there is a festival or event EVERY weekend in Washington, D.C.  Keep reading below for some events that happen each year that are deemed some of the best.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The 3rd Monday every January and in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his birthday, the nation joins together for what is called a “Day of Service.”  A special concert at the Kennedy Center for free each year is performed by the Freedom Choir. The African American Civil War Museum hosts an annual wreath-laying ceremony at the African American Civil War Memorial located in the U Street Corridor. The day is one of the busiest for visits to the Martin Luther King Memorial.

 National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade

The Cherry Blossom Parade is an event in Washington, D.C. that you don’t want to miss. The route runs nearly ten blocks along Constitution Avenue. The parade features bands, dancers, singers, celebrities, and floats.  The event runs from late March to the middle of April, with dozens of cultural events that surround the actual parade and throughout the two-week celebration. Two of the favorites being the fireworks at the Southwest Waterfront and the annual Blossom Kite Festival.

Tram Tour At The National Arboretum

During the two-week celebration of the azaleas in full bloom hop on the U.S. National Arboretum’s open-air Tram Tour. The National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. has cultivated the most expansive collection of azaleas shrubs in the country. The celebration is held on April 27, 20 and May 4 and 8 in honor of Mother’s Day.

Washington National Cathedral’s Flower Mart

The Washington National Cathedral is in the 77th year of celebration of their annual Flower Mart. This is a friendly spring event from May 6-7.  The event becomes a stage for international dancers, talented choirs and craft making. There are flower sales and gardening instruction, and once again, Washington offering the majority of its stunning events for free as the tour of the Cathedral and Tower are always free.

H Street Festival

The H Street Festival is giant full of energy block party that takes place in September. There are live bands and beer tents but is most well-known for the more than a dozen or so ethnic eating venues come together to share their cuisine in this friendly gathering. Many of the neighborhood artists sell their merchandise, and this is always a Washington, D.C. favorite.

Washington National Cathedral’s Flower Mart

The Washington National Cathedral is in the 77th year of celebration of their annual Flower Mart. This is a friendly spring event from May 6-7.  The event becomes a stage for international dancers, talented choirs and craft making. There are flower sales and gardening instruction, and once again, Washington offering most of its stunning events for free as the tour of the Cathedral and Tower are always free.