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Signs That You Need To Have Your Drains Cleaned

When the drains in your home get backed up, there could be plenty of reasons why. It is a very annoying thing to have to deal with, but there are many professional plumbers that can give you advice on when and how to have your drains cleaned. Following these tips will not only help you to have cleaner drains, but you will also have less plumbing issues to deal with in the future.

Calling Your Local Plumber For Help


There are specific signs that you will see that will let you know when it is time for a drain cleaning. DC plumbing services can help you with all of these needs. As soon as you have seen some of these signs, it is very important to call your plumber immediately. You do not want to have continuous buildup in your drains or you may have to deal with other repairs in the long run. Many different drain problems may not even require a plumber. For most of these issues, you can use a drain opener that you can buy from your local hardware store.

Accumulation In The Shower


DC plumbing services


When you notice that your drains are frequently stopped up, this is the sure sign that you have a drain problem. Many people notice this right off in the shower or bath. This is one of the easiest drains to clog because of the amount of hair that tends to get accumulate. This is one drain that you can use the store bought products in. If you see that it continues to happen after buying hair catchers and other drain products, it will be time to call your local plumber. They will be able to explain to you more about why this is happening so frequently.

Smells Are A Sign


Bad smells that are coming from your drain are another way to tell that you have a clogged drain. This may mean that you have more than you think backed up in your drains. You may actually have some serious waste problems that you will need to get help for. When you call your plumber, let them know that you have bad smells coming out of your pipes. They will be able to help you with the problem, especially if it is a sewer drain problem.

Slow Draining


If your drains are running and draining very slowly, you have a backup. This is one of those situations that can be taken care of with store bought drain openers. If the problem is too bad though, you may need your plumber to come out to repair it. There are simple ways to fix it yourself, but unless you have some plumbing skills under your belt, you probably should not attempt the repair on your own. Once you are aware of these problems, it is imperative that you have them looked at right away.

Helpful Advice About The Cleanliness Of Your Home’s Water

There is quite a lot of talk about the cleanliness and safety of water these days. With all of the chatter about the terrible water problems faced in Michigan, it is no wonder that Americans are scared of finding lead or other contaminants in their water supply. You are probably worried about how safe your water is to drink. There are some steps that many professionals will suggest to you in order to make sure your water is safe.

What Do I Need To Know?

DC water conditioning


Having your pipes checked is one of the best ways that you can be sure that there is no lead in your water. This can be done by your local plumber when they come to do any standard DC plumbing repairs. When homes were being built in the very early 20th century, there was little or no concern about how dangerous lead was to the homeowners and their families. Most of the pipes that were installed at that time in homes were all lead pipes. Once your plumber does a little more investigating into your pipes, they will be able to tell you if they are lead. Most of these home have had the pipes replaced, but there could be a few laying around that got missed.  Your local plumber can even help to replace the pipes if you do have any lead ones in your home.


Water Treatment Systems


One way to keep lead out of your water is by having a water treatment system installed. This will keep all of the toxins and contaminants out of your drinking water. Your plumber can install this for you as well. Once you have it in place, your water will be much cleaner and safer for you and your family to drink. The great thing about a water treatment system is that if your city has lead in the water, you won’t. You will be drinking the cleanest water in the city because of the treatment system that you have installed.

Ways To Reduce Exposure


Many homeowners find out that their homes and pipes have been exposed to lead and that is why they have a problem with their water. There are many rules of thumb to remember when drinking and cooking with water. It is important that you never use hot or warm water to cook with or to drink. There are chances of the amount of lead in warm water being higher than with cold water, even directly out of the faucet. When getting drinking water, you should run the water until it is as cold as it can get. Then fill up a pitcher or bottle and place it in the refrigerator until you want to drink it later in the day. If you do not have water filters, this is the best way to know your water is clean.

The quality of your water is important and if you are unsure on how clean it is, ask your local plumber to help you out. He can test your water & suggest solutions for your specific needs and budget.

Tips On Keeping The Kitchen Drain Clean

One of the hardest drains in the home to maintain is the one in the kitchen. Many homeowners have garbage disposals and that happens to be one of the easiest types of drains to become dirty and clogged. For those homeowners who do not have a disposal, it seems that food is constantly getting caught in the drain and causing the kitchen drain to be the most clogged in the entire house. There are many ways of keeping the kitchen drain clean and maintained and some professional plumbers have tips for you.

Wear And Tear


When you hire a plumbing company in DC, they will more than likely inspect your kitchen sink drain once you tell them there could be a possible clog. Kitchen drains are not the easiest to maintain. These drains have quite a lot of wear and tear that they endure because of how much is used on a daily basis. Those with garbage disposals see even more wear and tear.

Grease, Oils, and Fats


There are items that you should never put down the drain in the kitchen. These items are some of the worst for your drains and could cause severe damage. Grease, oils, and fats are three items to never throw down the kitchen drain. When these items are thrown down the drain, they are usually hot, considering the fact that you probably have been cooking with them. Once they cool, they end up becoming very hard and freeze up all over the drain. For those that have a disposal, they freeze up onto the blades of it. This will immediately cause damage to the garbage disposal and you will have to call your local plumber to come out and do some repairs. If you do cook with these materials, it is best to just throw them away.

Getting Rid Of Unwanted Drain Waste


a stainless steel kitchen sink drain detail


There are a few ways that you can get rid of the unwanted waste in your drains. One of the best ways is by pouring boiling water down the drain. The hot water helps to really loosen up all of the extra food waste that is piling up in the drain. If you have made the mistake of pouring oils or grease down the drain, this is a great way to keep it from hardening onto your disposal blades. This is not the way to get rid of all of the food waste in your drain, but this will really help to loosen it up so your plumber won’t have too hard of job when they come to make drain repairs for you.

Keeping your kitchen drain cleaned and well-maintained will allow you to not have to deal with bad smells, clogs, or a disposal that won’t work. If you have noticed any of these things and cannot get a drain cleaner to work, it is time to call your local plumber. They will be able to help repair some of the damages and wear and tear.