Category Archives: Helpful Hints

Catching Potential Plumbing Problems Early

When it comes to the perception of plumbing, many people see it as confusing, problematic, and an impossible feat to tackle. Fortunately, this is far from the truth. There are endless things that you can do to take precautions, double check, maintain, and improve any area of plumbing in your home. For example, a common mistake that people often make is leaving there home for an extended period of time without having the plumbing in mind before they leave. An excellent tip to always remember to do before you leave is to shut off the main valve in your home. If a leak were to happen while you are away, it could lead to a catastrophe, leaving your home and possessions completely flooded and ruined. This could end up costing your thousands of dollars.

Another trick is to turn off appliances and units that don’t need to be running while you are away. Not only can you put your mind at ease that they wont be breaking or having a problem, but you will also notice a cut back in energy costs since they were completely off .


What To Look For Before Buying A Home


DC plumbing repairs



It is all too common for someone to love everything about a house and its property and then forget to inspect the septic system and finer details of the plumbing. Everything on the outside may look clean and new, but the main structure and plumbing of the house could be poor or even on the verge of large potential problems. Before buying a home, you should have the plumbing systems inspected, taste and smell the water, and you need to figure out if you have your own septic tank or if your septic system is connected to a municipal sewer. There is a big difference between having the waste pumped away to a public system and having it stored underground on your property.


Checking The Septic System


Once you understand this, and if indeed you do have a septic tank on the property, then you need to make sure that the tank and line are problem free and will not get backed up. Having a back up or break in the line that carries waste could create major heath risks for you and your family, not to mention unpleasant messes and large sums of money to repair. For any questions or concerns regarding septic systems or anything that relates to plumbing, don’t hesitate to contact your local company offering DC plumbing repairs for any questions and inspections.


Winterizing Lines Correctly Indoor And Out


A very hazardous problem that can easily be avoided is winterizing any and all pipes/lines that can experience freezing temperatures. Turning off and draining lines before they encounter freezing weather will save them from most likely freezing and then cracking, leaving you with a broken pipe and a real hassle to get fixed. If you do forget and a pipe does freeze, it important that you contact a professional as soon as possible to see about fixing it before it cracks. If you are going to try and thaw it yourself, be sure that you are properly equipped and understand how to attempt this safely.

Plumbing Tips That Can Help You Now And In The Future

The plumbing in your home can be the culprit that devours large amounts of time and money, fixing and maintaining fixtures, appliances, and systems year after year. Luckily, there are excellent tips to help eliminate some of these unnecessary headaches and expenditures. Instead of paying to have new appliances or fixtures installed, you could always try and install them yourself if you are looking to save some money and increase your knowledge of how plumbing works.


Ensure Sources And Structural Capabilities


To install a bathtub you need to be sure that you have all the necessary parts, water supply to the area, enough space, and correct floor joints in order to support the weight of a bathtub full of water. As for other appliances such as dishwashers, garbage disposals, washers, dryers, and toilets, checking to make sure that your have all the correct water sources, electrical sources, and structural capabilities is always a must. Next you can find the correct make and model that best suits you. Lastly, you can then learn the correct method of installation to get the best and most efficient use out of your appliance.


Why Energy Efficiency Is So Important


The benefits of energy efficiency today are always on the rise and can make the difference between having more or less dollars in your pocket as well as helping or hindering the environment. Nowadays, people have the privilege of replacing old non-efficient models and appliances with new energy star rated units. Energy efficiency will offer more quality, less energy usage, save the environment, and hold its value very well. Energy efficient models can now be used in the form of toilets, washers,dryers, dishwashers, shower heads, water heaters, air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators and many more. Every time you upgrade an appliance or unit to an energy efficient one, you can expect to get more out of it while spending less. If you are unsure where to start or have any questions regarding energy efficiency or plumbing in general, contact your local company offering DC plumbing services to receive service, help, and professional advice.


Sprinkling Evenly


Sprinklers can be an excellent means of keeping your lawn and plants healthy and watered daily. However, it is important to be sure that they are specifically calibrated to the layout of your landscape and are hitting all the necessary areas. If they are set up incorrectly, then you could be stuck with more work along with bare/dead spots that have fallen behind because of the lack of water. A quick trick to use that will surly tell you if each area is getting the same amount of water in each area is using a few small containers of the same size and placing them in different watering spots. If they are all filled with the same amount of water, then you are sprinkling evenly. If not, then you may want to investigate and make an adjustment of where the water is going.


Any of the tips mentioned will surely save you time, money, or both when it comes to plumbing matters in and around your home. Remember, working smarter and saving the environment can often be done at the same time.

Professional Tips On Using A Pressure Tank To Improve Water Pressure

Taking a shower after a long day is one of the best feelings in the world. There is nothing greater than feeling that hot water gently flowing all over you. A great shower can turn sour when the water pressure is too low or too high. There are many reasons why the water pressure can be off. Some of these reasons may have to do with where your home is located, but professional plumbers think that there are other sources for the problem. These plumbers suggest that a pressure tank may make the water pressure better for you and your family.


Too High Is Not Good

Many homeowners fret about not only having low water pressure, but also high pressure. If the water pressure is too high in a home, your plumber in DC will help you to get it to a normal rate. High water pressure can cause some serious damage to the faucets and the fixtures in your home. It can also do some severe harm to the entire plumbing system.


Too Low Is Annoying

Low water pressure cannot do harm like this, but it is very annoying when you have low pressure in the shower. People love to take a good shower and with low water pressure, this is impossible.

Aside from the obvious, there are ways to test your water pressure. There are testing kits that your plumber can suggest for your home. Once your plumber sees the results of this test, they can get to the bottom of your low pressure problem. This pressure could be caused by a leak in your home and if that is the case, your plumber will repair that as soon as possible. If the low pressure is not being caused by a leak, but it is caused by something from another source, there is the option of installing a pressure tank to change your water pressure.


Installing A Pressure Tank

Installing a pressure tank is not a job for someone who does not have extensive plumbing knowledge. This is not a do-it-yourself type of job. You will need your plumber to help you with this. The pressure tank will keep your water pressure at a speed that you can enjoy at all times. There is a pump that goes along with the tank and this is where the job gets tough. This is why you should call on your local plumber to help you out with this.

plumber in DC


Once your plumber has installed the pressure tank, you can begin to enjoy a much greater water pressure. Your plumber will show you the proper settings on the tank, in order to keep your water flowing at a very steady pace. Your showers will feel much better and will help you to better relax after a really long day.

Professional Advice And Tips For A New Water Heater

The hot water heater in your home is one of the most important parts that keep it functioning. You need your hot water heater for using hot water in the shower and to wash clothes and dishes. What happens when your water heater goes out? How do you know that you need a new hot water heater? Are there any tips in order to make this process much easier? There are a few signs that your local plumber can point out to you before it is too late. If you catch these problems sooner rather than later, you will save yourself money and time in the long run.

DC plumbing company

Signs That You Have A Problem

Your local DC plumbing company can show you exactly what you need to know when it comes to your water heater. One of the first signs that you need to replace your hot water heater is that it drips, leaks or water has started to build up underneath the water heater. If you look at the flame, it should be burning blue. If it is burning another color such as yellow, it is time to get your hot water heater checked out.

Temperature Fluctuations And Rust

If you have set your hot water heater’s temperature pretty high and you have noticed that your showers are either too cold or too hot, there could be a problem with the hot water heater. If it cannot regulate temperature, a diagnosis is in order, maybe even a replacement.

Many homeowners notice some rust coming out of the faucets. This means that the hot water heater is in need of a flushing, and also possibly a replacement. Lastly, if you notice any type of changes in the physical appearance of the hot water heater, it may be time for a new one.

Metal Rods Can Save The Water Heater

What many people do not know is that there is a metal rod in the hot water heater that can pretty much save it. This rod is called the anode rod and it is what can help to keep the hot water heater from rusting from the inside out. These rods generally last up to five years, sometimes longer, but they are usually the prime suspect when the hot water heater starts to go out. When your local plumber comes out to look at the hot water heater, chances are they will check this rod first.

When it comes down to the health of your hot water heater, it is important to remember to catch these signs before it is too late. Replacing a hot water heater can get pretty expensive. When you call on the right plumbers, they can catch the problem long before you are due to have a new one installed. If you see any of these signs, do not panic, but do call your plumber. They will make sure that they can fix the problem before it begins to get worse. You will have functioning hot water flowing again in no time with their help.

Why Leaks Can Cause More Problems

Whenever there is a plumbing leak, some homeowners may have a tendency to blow it off until it gets to that point where they must call on their local plumber. When leaks are simply pushed to the side, there is actually more that can happen and compound. One of these major problems is that leaks can invite bugs and other pests come into your home. Having a water leak can lead to having quite a few different bugs in your home and no one likes to spend that much time with bugs.

Water Makes Them Thrive

Because these pests need water in order to survive, like most organisms, they are attracted to your home instantly when they see that there is a leak of some sort. Your local DC plumber will tell you how you can get rid of the leak and probably give some advice about the pests that are coming in with it. When bugs see that there is a free flowing water supply coming from somewhere in your home, they think they have found an oasis.

There are many different places that you need to be aware of that could be attracting bugs and other pests. There are many places in your home that are not the easiest to reach and these places could possibly be housing your pests. In your kitchen, roaches love to hide near any water that may build up underneath and around the bottom of your refrigerator. This is one of the first spots to look when you suspect you have a leak.

DC plumber

Other Spots For Hidden Pests

In your home, you will find out that there are plenty of nooks and crannies for these pests to find water that has been leaking. One of the easiest places to find leaks is around the sink and toilet in the bathroom. These spots are great hideouts for pests like roaches and you will see them immediately if you have discovered that you have a leak. Also, check in any cabinets that may have water pipes in them. This is prime ground for pests to breed.

All in all, your local plumber will let you know what they can do about these leaks. They will seal them up first and that should remove the welcome mat for pests. Eliminate any remaining ones yourself or speak with an exterminator. Be sure to keep an eye on appliances and pipes in your home that could be leaking water. These areas are a breeding and living habitat for all types of pests and they will slowly take over your home if you do not take care of the leaks as soon as possible.

Signs That You Need To Have Your Drains Cleaned

When the drains in your home get backed up, there could be plenty of reasons why. It is a very annoying thing to have to deal with, but there are many professional plumbers that can give you advice on when and how to have your drains cleaned. Following these tips will not only help you to have cleaner drains, but you will also have less plumbing issues to deal with in the future.

Calling Your Local Plumber For Help


There are specific signs that you will see that will let you know when it is time for a drain cleaning. DC plumbing services can help you with all of these needs. As soon as you have seen some of these signs, it is very important to call your plumber immediately. You do not want to have continuous buildup in your drains or you may have to deal with other repairs in the long run. Many different drain problems may not even require a plumber. For most of these issues, you can use a drain opener that you can buy from your local hardware store.

Accumulation In The Shower


DC plumbing services


When you notice that your drains are frequently stopped up, this is the sure sign that you have a drain problem. Many people notice this right off in the shower or bath. This is one of the easiest drains to clog because of the amount of hair that tends to get accumulate. This is one drain that you can use the store bought products in. If you see that it continues to happen after buying hair catchers and other drain products, it will be time to call your local plumber. They will be able to explain to you more about why this is happening so frequently.

Smells Are A Sign


Bad smells that are coming from your drain are another way to tell that you have a clogged drain. This may mean that you have more than you think backed up in your drains. You may actually have some serious waste problems that you will need to get help for. When you call your plumber, let them know that you have bad smells coming out of your pipes. They will be able to help you with the problem, especially if it is a sewer drain problem.

Slow Draining


If your drains are running and draining very slowly, you have a backup. This is one of those situations that can be taken care of with store bought drain openers. If the problem is too bad though, you may need your plumber to come out to repair it. There are simple ways to fix it yourself, but unless you have some plumbing skills under your belt, you probably should not attempt the repair on your own. Once you are aware of these problems, it is imperative that you have them looked at right away.

Helpful Advice About The Cleanliness Of Your Home’s Water

There is quite a lot of talk about the cleanliness and safety of water these days. With all of the chatter about the terrible water problems faced in Michigan, it is no wonder that Americans are scared of finding lead or other contaminants in their water supply. You are probably worried about how safe your water is to drink. There are some steps that many professionals will suggest to you in order to make sure your water is safe.

What Do I Need To Know?

DC water conditioning


Having your pipes checked is one of the best ways that you can be sure that there is no lead in your water. This can be done by your local plumber when they come to do any standard DC plumbing repairs. When homes were being built in the very early 20th century, there was little or no concern about how dangerous lead was to the homeowners and their families. Most of the pipes that were installed at that time in homes were all lead pipes. Once your plumber does a little more investigating into your pipes, they will be able to tell you if they are lead. Most of these home have had the pipes replaced, but there could be a few laying around that got missed.  Your local plumber can even help to replace the pipes if you do have any lead ones in your home.


Water Treatment Systems


One way to keep lead out of your water is by having a water treatment system installed. This will keep all of the toxins and contaminants out of your drinking water. Your plumber can install this for you as well. Once you have it in place, your water will be much cleaner and safer for you and your family to drink. The great thing about a water treatment system is that if your city has lead in the water, you won’t. You will be drinking the cleanest water in the city because of the treatment system that you have installed.

Ways To Reduce Exposure


Many homeowners find out that their homes and pipes have been exposed to lead and that is why they have a problem with their water. There are many rules of thumb to remember when drinking and cooking with water. It is important that you never use hot or warm water to cook with or to drink. There are chances of the amount of lead in warm water being higher than with cold water, even directly out of the faucet. When getting drinking water, you should run the water until it is as cold as it can get. Then fill up a pitcher or bottle and place it in the refrigerator until you want to drink it later in the day. If you do not have water filters, this is the best way to know your water is clean.

The quality of your water is important and if you are unsure on how clean it is, ask your local plumber to help you out. He can test your water & suggest solutions for your specific needs and budget.

Tips On Keeping The Kitchen Drain Clean

One of the hardest drains in the home to maintain is the one in the kitchen. Many homeowners have garbage disposals and that happens to be one of the easiest types of drains to become dirty and clogged. For those homeowners who do not have a disposal, it seems that food is constantly getting caught in the drain and causing the kitchen drain to be the most clogged in the entire house. There are many ways of keeping the kitchen drain clean and maintained and some professional plumbers have tips for you.

Wear And Tear


When you hire a plumbing company in DC, they will more than likely inspect your kitchen sink drain once you tell them there could be a possible clog. Kitchen drains are not the easiest to maintain. These drains have quite a lot of wear and tear that they endure because of how much is used on a daily basis. Those with garbage disposals see even more wear and tear.

Grease, Oils, and Fats


There are items that you should never put down the drain in the kitchen. These items are some of the worst for your drains and could cause severe damage. Grease, oils, and fats are three items to never throw down the kitchen drain. When these items are thrown down the drain, they are usually hot, considering the fact that you probably have been cooking with them. Once they cool, they end up becoming very hard and freeze up all over the drain. For those that have a disposal, they freeze up onto the blades of it. This will immediately cause damage to the garbage disposal and you will have to call your local plumber to come out and do some repairs. If you do cook with these materials, it is best to just throw them away.

Getting Rid Of Unwanted Drain Waste


a stainless steel kitchen sink drain detail


There are a few ways that you can get rid of the unwanted waste in your drains. One of the best ways is by pouring boiling water down the drain. The hot water helps to really loosen up all of the extra food waste that is piling up in the drain. If you have made the mistake of pouring oils or grease down the drain, this is a great way to keep it from hardening onto your disposal blades. This is not the way to get rid of all of the food waste in your drain, but this will really help to loosen it up so your plumber won’t have too hard of job when they come to make drain repairs for you.

Keeping your kitchen drain cleaned and well-maintained will allow you to not have to deal with bad smells, clogs, or a disposal that won’t work. If you have noticed any of these things and cannot get a drain cleaner to work, it is time to call your local plumber. They will be able to help repair some of the damages and wear and tear.

How Tankless Water Heaters Can Save Money

Sometimes, when it you are enjoying a nice hot shower, it can turn cold quickly. Do you ever notice just how fast that pesky cold water sneaks in? This has happened to all of us, but what if there was a way to stop it? What if there was a way to have as much hot water, in the shower and everywhere else, every day? There actually is! By having a tankless water heater installed in your home, you will be able to enjoy the hottest showers every single day of the week. There will no longer be those cold water interruptions.

The Perfect Temperature Every Time

When purchasing a tankless water heater, it is important to know that your DC plumber can install it for you. They can also answer any questions that you may have about buying one before you decide to do so. Tankless water heaters are unlike traditional water heaters because they are able to keep a constant temperature and also save you some money. They are smaller than most of the traditional water heaters on the market today. Many of them can actually be put outside of your home. They can be hung on the side of the house. You can preset the temperature of your choice to stay warm every time in the shower.

When you have had the water heater properly installed, you will begin to feel the difference immediately. You will notice that all of the faucets will give off the hottest water. You may need to adjust the thermometer a few times before getting the temperature perfect. This process will be well worth it, though. You enjoy, essentially, limitless hot water.

How Can This Save Money?

Most traditional water heaters have to reheat the water each time it is turned on and off. This causes your electricity to be used ,causing the bill to get higher and higher. Tankless water heaters are not constantly running the way other traditional heaters are. This helps you to save more power and energy and keep the electric bill lower. These tankless water heaters also help to save on water so if you go out of town or on a vacation, you will not have to worry about your water constantly running. You can be sure that it will only run when you want and need it to.

The addition of a tankless water heater to your home may cost more than a traditional one. The cost will actually work itself out, though, with the amount of money that you are saving on your water and power bills. You will also be doing your part to save the environment and conserving water. That should be enough for you to make the decision to make the switch. Traditional water heaters are just wasting water and money. Making the switch to tankless will be a great decision on your part.