Three Ways To Make Your Bathroom Water Efficient

Renovating an existing bathroom, can be an exciting and fun challenge. With all the things to consider, water or energy efficiency may be two factors that get neglected. The good news is it is not hard to perform bathroom remodeling in DC. This is thanks to new regulations.

It does help to familiarize yourself with the available options to make your bathroom efficient. When creating an energy efficient bathroom, there are three areas to focus on. Focus should be given to the toilets, bathtubs, and showerheads.




When considering water efficiency in your bathroom, you need to start with the toilet. Flushing the toilets in a home account for one third of overall indoor water use. Older toilets use more water than the newer ones available. Houses that have a toilet that was made before 1994 are wasting 3.5 gallons of water, every time that the toilet is flushed.

In comparison, new toilets use 1.6 gallons or less, per flush. This equates to a significant amount of savings on your water bill. There are some models that provide separate flushing options. For liquid waste, to be flushed, these toilets use 0.8-1.1 gallons. While solid waste uses 1.6 gallons.




When it comes to water efficiency, bathtubs get a bad rap. It is understandable, why they are looked at negatively, in this regard. The average bathtub holds anywhere from 30-50 gallons of water, if it is filled up. Before banning anyone from using the tub in your home, keep in mind that choosing a shower over a bath does not make a difference.

The longer you choose to shower, the more water you will use. Most people prefer to shower, and will save bathing for a few select days out of the week. Filling up a bathtub to the half-way point can help cut back on water waste.






The shower is another water-guzzler. Showerheads that were made before 1994 can use up to eight gallons of water per minute, when used for a basic showering session. The updated showerheads use a lesser amount. New showerheads are capped at the amount of water they disperse. The newer showerheads use roughly 2.5 gallons of water a minute.

Lesser water does not mean lesser force. The new showerheads still provide a steady stream of water, just like the previous ones. Low-flow showerheads do exist, but many people are disappointed by the way that they operate. The newer showerheads can help you get an enjoyable shower with using insignificant amounts of water.

People want to save money on their household bills, so they can afford to spend their money for other things they require. When updating or remodeling a bathroom, you need to pay close attention to the appliances that are going to adorn the area. The toilet, bathtub, and showerhead are three upgrades to consider when performing a bathroom remodel.

These three appliances are known for using substantial amounts of water to function. Updating the appliances to newer versions can help conserve water. Low-flow options are also available for added water savings.

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