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Critical Plumbing Areas That Should Be Thoroughly Inspected Before Buying A House

Buying a house is a huge investment. You will have to invest a huge chunk of your savings in the new house. Most people buy houses through mortgagees, which means that they spend years paying for the house before they can claim full ownership. That is why you should be extra careful when buying a house to ensure that you get real value for your money. The good news is that the process is lengthy and it takes time. You can’t just wake up one morning and decide that you will own a house before the end of the day. Not unless you are extra loaded with cash. People take time to search for good houses and then to have them inspected before closing the deal. But some people are not very much concerned with the inspection process. They are just too excited about the prospect of owning a new home that they do not want to waste time with the inspection. This is a very big mistake. The inspection process is one of the most important things that you should do before buying a house. One of the areas that you should pay particular attention to during the inspection is the plumbing system. If you suspect problems, you should call your local plumber to take a look and evaluate the area or plumbing system you think isn’t working right. The following critical plumbing areas should be thoroughly inspected before buying a house.

The Bathroom

DC plumber upgradeThe bathroom is the key plumbing area in the house. This is where most plumbing fixtures and appliances are installed or connected to. The bathroom is one of the critical areas that should be thoroughly inspected before buying any house. All the bathroom fixtures should be inspected and tested to ensure that they are working well. The taps and showers should be turned on and off to check whether they are operating properly. The water pressure should also be checked to ensure that it’s okay. You should flush the toilets several times to ensure that they are all working properly. All the sinks and toilet bowls should be inspected to ensure that they firmly installed. All the bathroom walls and floors should be inspected thoroughly to ensure that there are no hidden leaks. The toilet should be checked for cracks or any other defects.

The Water Heater

The hot water heater is one of the most critical plumbing installations in any house. The hot water tank should be inspected and tested to ensure that it’s heating water properly and to the required temperatures. If the house has a storage tank water heater, then you should check the positioning or placement of the tank. The tank should be placed in an easily accessible position where you can inspect it for leaks easily. The placement should also conform to local building codes and standards. You should also inspect the anode rod to see whether it needs replacement.

The Sewer System

The drainage and sewer system requires thorough inspection when buying a house. Hire any professional plumber who handles DC sewer repair, inspection and maintenance to conduct a thorough inspection of the main sewer line, the underground drainage and sewer lines, and the private septic tank if there is one. You should in fact request a sewer camera inspection to have all the underground drainage and sewer lines inspected by remote controlled underground video cameras.

Common Causes Of Rusty Water

The supposedly clean water you get from your water supply company might sometimes not be as clean as you expect. Sometimes the water comes with various impurities that undermine its quality. Some of these impurities are not harmful to your health but they still affect the taste, color, and cleaning abilities of the water. One of the most common impurities in clean tap water is rust. Rust is oxidized iron and it makes the water taste and smell like metal and look reddish brown in color. The main problem with rusty water is that it smells, tastes, and looks funny. The rust deposits also leave spotty stains on your white linens and porcelain sinks. The first thing that you should do when you notice rust in your water is to determine the source; whether it’s from the water supply company or in your water supply system. Some common causes of rusty water include the following.

Corroded Water Main

The main water supply pipe that supplies water from the utility company might be corroded. This usually happens in areas where the main pipes are old and corroded. If the rust is coming from the water main, then it means that the problem is with the water supply company. That is why you should always determine the source of the rust before taking any other step. If you suspect that the rusty water is being caused by corrosion in the water main, then you should not hesitate to call your water supply company to explain the situation. They will have to replace the corroded water main to ensure that everyone gets rust-free water.

Corroded Water Supply Pipes

The rusty water could be confined to your house. The rust could be coming from your corroded water supply pipes. If you determine that the rust is coming from your house through the test explained above, then you need to call a professional residential and/or commercial plumber in DC to determine the exact source of the rust. The corroded water supply pipe(s) should be indentified and replaced immediately to solve the rusty water problem.

Corroded Fixtures

Another cause of rusty water in your home is corroded fixtures. If some or all of your taps, showers, and other fixtures are corroded, then you will have a rusty waster problem in your hands. You should check which fixtures are producing rusty water and replace them.

Corroded Water Heater

DC hot water heater services

If you notice that only the hot water is rusty, then it means that your water heater is corroded. If the tank is corroded, then you will have to replace the entire unit to solve the rusty water problem. Your local plumber can help you choose the right type of water heater you should use as a replacement, and get you fixed up in no time. You can prevent this corrosion by replacing the anode rod in the water heater tank every few years.

How To Prevent And Remove Limescale In Your Water

Limescale is a common nuisance in areas with hard water problems. Limescale refers to the mineral deposits that are found in hard water. Hard water is water with above-average concentration of various minerals including iron, magnesium, and calcium. Limescale appears as a white or green chalky residue in or on plumbing fixtures and appliances. Limescale is not harmful to the body. But the main problem with water with limestone is that it has an unpleasant taste. The rich mineral deposits also prevent lather from forming properly and also the water from rinsing properly. This means that if you use water with limescale to bathe or wash clothes, then they will neither wash well nor rinse properly. Your skin will be left all dry and itchy and your clothes will be stiff and scratchy. Limescale buildup in your faucets, showerheads, and pipe joints leaves ugly spots on these fixtures and pipes and it can also cause clogging if not removed. That is why we have decided to teach you how to prevent and remove limescale from your water.

How To Prevent Limescale

As the old adage goes, protection is better than cure. You should always try to prevent plumbing problems before they occur. In the case of limescale, a water softening system will do the trick. If you realize that you have a hard water problem, you do not have to wait for the limescale to clog your fixtures and pipes so that you can call a professional DC drain and sewer plumber. You can call a professional plumber immediately and have a water softening system installed in your house. All the clean water will pass through this system and the limescale will be removed. These water softening systems contain sodium-based solutions that neutralize the damaging effects of limescale buildup in your fixtures and pipe joints. The water comes out all clean and fresh and it’s now limescale-free so you can use it to drink, bathe, and wash clothes properly.

How To Remove Limescale

If prevention fails, you can always opt for the cure. If limescale has already pervaded your house and your taps, showerheads, and pipe joints are all chalky and clogged, then you need to deal with it accordingly. You need to remove the limescale buildup from your taps, showerheads, pipes, and other fixtures using one of two ways.

Use Vinegar

Limescale is very stubborn and it can’t be removed by an ordinary detergent and a wet rag. It needs to be weakened and dissolved in a mild acidic solution. Vinegar is one of the most effective chemicals for removing limescale. All the affected faucets, showerheads, pipes, and other fixtures should be removed and dipped in vinegar for an hour or so. You should then remove them and scrub the affected areas vigorously with a brush or an old toothbrush. You will be able to remove all limescale buildup inside and outside your pipes and fixtures using this method. If you can’t detach or remove the affected fixtures, then you can put some vinegar in a plastic bag and tie it around the affected parts of your fixtures. Let it sit for about an hour and then start repair DC

Use A Chemical Cleaning Solution

You can also use a chemical cleaning solution to remove limescale buildup from your plumbing fixtures. Choose a commercial detergent formulated for calcium, rust, and lime removal.

How To Prevent Clogs In Your Garbage Disposal Unit

Garbage disposal is one of the routine chores that you have to do every other day. Garbage is produced in many areas in the home. Most of the garbage is thrown out in trash bags for collection by the garbage trucks. But some of the garbage is shredded and disposed in a special device called a garbage disposal unit or simply a garbage disposal. A garbage disposal is a mechanical device that is usually installed below the sink. This device is used to shred and dispose of those solid food remains to avoid clogging. The disposal shreds these food pieces into very tiny bits that can easily pass through the drainage and sewer system without clogging. The ironic thing about the whole process is that sometimes the garbage disposal unit gets clogged while preventing clogging. It all depends on how you use it and the kinds of food remains that you dispose with it. A garbage disposal can function for a long time without clogging if you use it and maintain it properly. Today you are going to learn how to prevent clogging in your garbage disposal unit, avoiding that last minute call to your local plumber.DC Plumber kitchen drain

Use Cold Water

You should always run cold water in your garbage disposal unit before, when, and after turning it on. The cold water will carry the food particles down the drain and leave the disposal clean and unclogged. The cold water will also solidify any oils, fats, and greases thereby ensuring that they do not coat the blades that are used for shredding.

Avoid Fibrous Foods

You should not dispose fibrous foods in your garbage disposal unit. Foods with tough fibers like asparagus and celery should not be fed into the garbage disposal unit because they can entangle the blades and prevent the unit from working.

Avoid Overloading

You should buy a right-sized garbage disposal that will save you money and energy at home. You should upgrade to an Energy Star certified model during your DC kitchen remodeling. After acquiring this high efficiency model, make sure that you use it properly. Never overload the garbage disposal to avoid “choking” it.

Avoid Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds should not be disposed down the drain. The coffee grounds will not damage the garbage disposal but they will accumulate inside your drain pipes and cause a drain clog.

Avoid Large Bones

Large bones should not be fed into the garbage disposal unit because they can damage the shredding blades. The blades are not strong enough to crush large bones. But you can put small bones, like fish bones, in the garbage disposal for shredding and crushing.

Avoid Potato Peels

Potato peels should not be put in a garbage disposal unit. The disposal will smash and shred these peels into mush and paste. The starch in the peels will become paste and this can cling and accumulate on the blades, causing them to stop working.

Dispose Small Pieces

You should not feed large chunks of food in the garbage disposal unit. Try to chop up large pieces of food remains before throwing it into the garbage disposal.

Clean The Disposal Regularly And Properly

You should clean and use the garbage disposal units regularly and properly. You should only clean the disposal with cold water. You can throw a few ice cubes in first. To deodorize the disposal, use vinegar ice cubes or grind up orange or lemon rinds.

Water And Energy Saving Tips For Your Washing Machine

Washing machines are very important devices in the house because they keep our clothes clean. But like all other powered devices, washing machines consume energy. Whether it’s electricity or gas, washing machines need power to function. And this power costs money. One thing that you should always do as a homeowner is to try and reduce water and energy consumption in your house. You should identify all plumbing fixtures and appliances that use water and energy and implement effective conservation tactics to trim your water and power bill. You can start by installing low-flow plumbing fixtures including taps, showers, and toilets. You should also consider upgrading to energy efficient plumbing appliances like washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, and so on. This will ensure that you spend less on water and energy every month. Regarding your washing machine, the following water and energy saving tips will come in handy.

Buy An Energy Star Certified Washing Machine

You should upgrade to an Energy Star certified washing machine. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives Energy Star rating to high quality high efficiency plumbing appliances. These appliances undergo thorough tests to ensure that they fulfill the designated energy savings before acquiring certification. An Energy Star certified washing machine uses 20% less energy and 35% less water than the standard models. Upgrading your plumbing fixtures and appliances is one important part of bathroom remodeling in DC. You should consider upgrading to a high efficiency washing machine during your bathroom remodel in order to save energy and water in your house.

Buy Front Loading Washers With Automatic Sensorsemergency plumber DC

You should buy a front loading washing machine that is equipped with automatic sensors to reduce water consumption. The automatic sensors detect the amount of water required to do the cleaning and this ensures no wastage when you are cleaning your clothes. Front loading washing machines consume less water for the same amount of washing. You should also buy the smallest possible washing machine that can meet your cleaning needs. Buying a big washer that you do not need will only lead to massive water and energy consumption in your house.

Wash Full Loads

You should never under-load or overload your clothes washer. Ensure that you load full loads in your washer to ensure optimal functionality. This means that the machine will wash the clothes properly and consume only the required amount of water and energy.

Use Cold Or Warm Water

Using hot water to wash clothes will hike your energy bill because the water has to be heated first. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, you should always use cold water to clean your clothes. If the clothes require heated water, then you should use warm water instead of hot water.

Soak The Clothes First

You can ease the cleaning job for your washing machine by soaking the clothes first. This will make stain removal easier and simplify the whole washing process. The clothes will be easier to clean and they will be washed in a shorter time. In other words, the washing machine will consume less water and energy to clean the pre-soaked clothes.

Use High Quality Detergent

Always use a high quality and high efficiency cleaning detergent in your washing machine. These high efficiency detergents do not necessarily cost more. But they leave fewer suds in the machines, which do not really affect its performance.

Tips For Lowering Your Hot Water Bill During The Cold Season

The hot water heater becomes super essential during the cold season. This is because we really need that hot water during these chilly months. And now that the warm spring and summer months are behind us, it’s time to think about that water heater. It’s quite normal to use hot water for bathing and cleaning during the warm seasons. But you can always opt for a cold shower on a hot summer day. The fall and winter seasons are quite chilly and hence you have no choice but to power up that water heater so that you can enjoy a hot bath or shower. This means that the hot water bill increases significantly during the cold fall and winter months. But there are several measures that you can implement to lower your hot water bill during the cold seasons. Use the following tips to reduce your hot water bill this fall and during the upcoming winter season.

DC plumbing company

Insulate The Tank

The most effective way of lowering your hot water bill is by insulating the tank in your hot water heater. Bearing in mind the fact that the hot water heater is one of the biggest consumers of energy at home, you should do everything you can to reduce its energy intake. If you won a conventional storage water heater, then you know that it has a reservoir or tank for holding the heated water. The bad news is that this tank is susceptible to standby heat loss. In other words, the heated water loses some of its heat when sitting in the tank. In order to minimize this energy loss, you should insulate your tank thoroughly. You can insulate the tank in your water heater without consulting a professional plumber. You just need to follow the instructions in the insulation materiel and everything will be fine.

Shorter Showers

You should consider reducing the number of showers that you take to reduce your water and energy bills. You should also start taking shorter showers top reduce the amount of water used and the energy consumed by your water heater. And while we are still talking about saving water, you should avoid those long baths. Go for shorter showers instead.

Set A Low Temperature

You can save the amount of energy consumed by your hot water heater during the warm and cold seasons by adjusting the temperature to a lower setting. The Department of Energy recommends that you set your water heater at 120 degrees. This temperature is adequate to heat the water sufficiently. It also prevents unnecessary energy consumption and prevents scalding when you shower.

Upgrade To A High Efficiency Model

If you own an old standard tank water heater, then you should consider upgrading to a new high efficiency model. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives Energy Star certification to high efficiency products like water heaters. These high efficiency models consume a fraction of the energy consumed by older highly inefficient models. You can consult a professional DC water heater plumber regarding an upgrade or replacement of your old water heater. He will offer you various options to choose from in order to achieve maximum energy savings.

Professional Qualities To Look For In A Water Heater Plumber

We call professional plumbers when our plumbing fixtures and appliances are broken. You can also request for professional plumbing services when your water supply piping network or your drainage and sewer system is damaged. After you have placed the call, the professional plumber arrives in your home to diagnose ad fix the plumbing problem. The plumber uses his skills and experience to determine the site and cause of the plumbing problem. He then implements the mot viable solution to fix the problem. The hot water heater is one of the most critical plumbing installations. This device is used to furnish all your hot water needs at home or in the workplace. And like all other plumbing fixtures and appliances, the hot water heater breaks down with time. Your water heater can also malfunction due to various other problems like corrosion, leaking, or powering issues. You should not hesitate to call your local plumber when your water heater malfunctions. Professional plumbers who specialize in the installation, repair, replacement, upgrade, inspection, and maintenance of hot water heaters are referred to as water heater plumbers. Consider the following professional qualities when hiring a waster heater plumber.

Competence And Experience

You should always consider the academic and technical qualification of any plumber before hiring him. Basically, a plumber undergoes three training levels before acquiring a practicing license. The professional journey starts at the apprenticeship level. The apprentice plumber trains both in class and in the field before sitting for exams to become a journeyman plumber. The journeyman plumber undergoes additional training before sitting for exams to become a master plumber. The master plumber can now apply for a practicing license at the state level. You should ask any plumber about his training before hiring him. You should also ask him how long he has been in the plumbing industry to ascertain his level of experience. In order to hire the best water heater plumber in DC, look for professional plumbers who specialize in water heater problems.



You should also ensure that your plumber has a valid license to practice in Washington DC. If your water heater is faulty and you need repairs, hire a DC licensed master plumber for the job. You can always verify the license number of any plumber with the state contractors” licensing body. You should also ensure that your water heater plumber is properly insured and bonded to avoid any legal problems during the contract.


You should look for a reliable plumber to fix or replace your water heater. You can always tell whether a plumber is reliable or not by visiting online customer review platforms like Yelp, Google, and Angie’s List. Actually you can use these sites to determine the reputation of any plumber. You should only hire the highest rated and mot positively reviewed plumber for your water heater project.


When consulting any plumber regarding your water heater problem, you should ask him how long he will take to travel to your house. You should hire a punctual plumber to fix your water heater.

Fair Pricing

Never forget to ask about the cost of having your water heater repaired. Most established plumbers will offer you a free cost estimate for any plumbing problem or project. Make sure that your plumber charges you fairly for his water heater services.

Common Plumbing Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Some plumbing problems can be avoided by being more careful and responsible when using your home plumbing system. You can avoid those costly plumbing service calls if you become more responsible when using your plumbing fixtures and appliances. Although you can’t avoid plumbing issues altogether, you can lower your plumbing repair bill significantly by avoiding careless plumbing mistakes. For instance, you can lower your water bill significantly if you adopt responsible water consumption habits. This means that you should avoid wasting water at home. And in order to achieve this, you should turn off all taps and showers when you are not using them. You should also consider recycling the water that you use for bathing and cleaning to water your garden. There are many other responsible plumbing habits that you can adopt to minimize plumbing issues at home. Let us look at some common plumbing mistakes that you should avoid.

Leaving The Water Running

We have already talked about this. Always turn off all taps and showers before leaving the house. You should also consider trapping the water you use for showering for recycling in your garden. And if your hot water heater takes some time to heat up, do not leave the shower running before it reaches the right temperature. Consider installing a thermostatic showed or trap the cold water in a bucket for other uses.

Flushing Solid Waste

Toilet clogs are a real menace. These are some of the most common plumbing problems in any house. The funny thing about toilet clogs is that we usually cause them. One thing that you need to know is that the toilet is only meant for disposing human waste and tissue paper. Avoid flushing solid waste in your toilet in order to prevent those nasty toilet clogs.

Dumping Grease In Your Sink

Sink drain clogs are another common plumbing issue. And just like toilet clogs, sink drain clogs are caused by careless waste disposal habits. You should avoid dumping fats, oils, and greases in your sink. These greases accumulate and coagulate inside your drainage pipes forming muck, which clogs the pipes.

Postponing Plumbing Repairs

All plumbing problems should be handled immediately. If you are having any type of fault or malfunction in your plumbing system, do not hesitate to call a professional plumber for a permanent fix. If you suspect or detect any type of leak, such as a gas leak in your house, request for DC gas line services immediately.

Hiring Incompetent Plumbers

You should always hire qualified and experienced plumbers for any plumbing problem or project. Vet any local plumber thoroughly to ensure that he is highly skilled and experienced to handle the plumbing problem at hand. You should also visit online customer review platforms liker Yelp and Google to check the reviews and rating posted by past clients. Also ensure that your plumber is properly licensed, insured, and bonded as required by the law.

Installing Low Quality Fixtures And Appliances

water heater repair DCYou should never skimp on plumbing fixtures and appliances. Install high quality plumbing fixtures and appliances to ensure their functionality and longevity. For electrical or gas powered appliances, choose high efficiency models to reduce operating costs. You should install WaterSense certified low-flow fixtures and Energy Star certified appliances to save water and power in the house.

Common Impurities That You Can Find In Your Tap Water

Tap water is not always clean. You can turn on your tap and get brown water full of dirt and debris. The water can also have other impurities that are not easy to see. Some of these impurities like minerals are detected by taste. You should always ensure that the water you drink is clean and safe. And although some of these imparities do not pose any health hazard, they can still ruin the taste of the water. You should test your water regularly to ensure that it does not contain any impurities. Let us now look at some common impurities that you can find in your tap water.DC water conditioning


Dirty tap water is not very common but you can still get it from time to time. Dirty water contains actual dirt, and maybe sand and silt. Dirty water is an indication that the main water supply line is damaged. If this is the case, then you need to hire a DC emergency plumber immediately to fix the problem. You should start by calling your local water supply company to find out whether the problem is on their side or yours. If the water supply company has no problem, then you need your local plumber to inspect your water supply pipes. Dirty water is more common in households with wells. If you get your water from a well, then the dirt could be coming from the well. If it’s a new well, try running the water for some time to drain out the system. You should also consider repairing or replacing the water screening and filtration system.


Minerals are very common in water. This is what we refer to as hard water. Depending on your locality, you can discover that your water has high levels of iron, calcium, or manganese. And although these minerals do not pose a health hazard to people or animals, they can still ruin the taste of the water. These metals can also leave stains on your clothes and dishes when you use the hard water for cleaning. They also inhibit lathering making cleaning and bathing a huge hassle.


With time, the rubber tubing in your plumbing appliances, such as the hot water heater, can start to wear out. The tiny pieces will be drowned in the water and you can find these pieces when you fetch the water for drinking or cleaning. Rubber is mostly worn out by chlorine. As such, if you use chlorine to treat your water, then you can expect rubber impurities in the long run. If you notice rubber bits in your water, call a professional plumber to replace the worn-out rubber tubing.


You can also notice carbon specks in your tap water. This usually occurs when the carbon in your water filter disintegrates. Carbon is used to trap foreign bodies and impurities from the water. But with time the carbon filter and/or cartridge gets old and worn-out. This is when you start to notice tiny specks of carbon in the water. Check the user manual of your carbon filter to see how you can repair it or replace the cartridge.


Rust is one of the most common impurities in water. You will find rust particles in your water when some of your pipes, fixtures or appliances are corroded. You can also get the rust from your water supply company. If consumed in install amounts, rust is not a health hazard. But it still undermines the taste and equality of the water. You will need a professional plumber to determine the source of the rust and to fix it.

How To Prevent And Eliminate Mold In The House

Mold is one of the most destructive agents in the house. Mold and mildew thrive in wet environments. They appear like black or floral spots on the walls and floors of your bathroom and near the kitchen sinks. Mold and mildew occur in damp dark areas. The disturbing thing about mold and mildew is that they can pose a very serious health hazard. Mold and mildew also damage any surface they grow on. They cause discoloration and cause an unappealing hue on your walls and floors. The good news is that you can prevent mold and mildew from growing in your house. As mentioned above, mold and mildew thrives in damp surfaces. You only have to ensure that all the walls and floors in your house are dry to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. But if you already have a mold and mildew problem in your house, then you can fix it by scrubbing the affected areas with a detergent. And if you have a really serious mold and mildew problem, then you can call a professional plumber for assistance. If there are some wet dark places in your bathroom where mold and mildew thrives, you can request DC bathroom remodeling services to have the whole bathroom renovated. Let us look at some effective ways of preventing mold and mildew growth and how you can get rid of these nasty fungi.

Mold Prevention

The most recommendable thing when it comes to mold and mildew is prevention. You should try to prevent mold and mildew growth as much as possible. The main problem with mold and mildew is that they tend to colonize any space. These fungi are also very stubborn and hence not very easy to get rid of. Let is now discuss the most effective way of preventing the growth of mold and mildew.

Maintain A Clean Dry Environment

You should ensure that all those surfaces in your bathroom a kitchen are always clean and dry. You should especially focus on those hidden corners and ledges where water splashes on when you are showering. You should mop up all the water splashed when you are showering or cleaning. All surfaces near the sinks and showers should be mopped dry to prevent mold and mildew growth. You should also consider opening windows or installing a ventilator fan in your bathroom to help dry the walls and floors much faster after a shower.

Fix All Leaks

bathroom remodeling in DCThe presence of mold or mildew in your house can indicate a leak. Mold and mildew will grow in a surface that is frequently wet. If your pipes are leaking or if you have faulty faucets or showers, then you can expect a mold and mildew problem in your house. Inspect your house regularly and thoroughly to ensure that there are no leaks.

Mold Removal

If you already have a mold and mildew problem in your house, then you should try to remove it immediately.

Scrub It Away

You can get rid of mold and mildew by scrubbing it away with a coarse cleaner and detergent. You can use a bleach mixture or spray cleaner to remove mold and mildew.

Hire A Professional

If the mold and mildew problem persists, call a professional plumber for assistance. The plumber will use all the necessary tools and equipment to remove all the mold and mildew from your house.