Know Your Dishwasher Safe Utensils In Washington DC

Avoid Cleaning The Following Dishes In Your Dishwasher In Washington DC

Washington DC homes use clean dishes courtesy of their functional dishwashers. The dishwasher is one of the most important plumbing appliances at home. It does the thankless chore of cleaning dirty dishes in Washington DC. But for your dishwasher to function properly, you need to take good care of it. In addition to routine care and maintenance, you have to ensure that you put the right dishes in for washing. Otherwise you will end up calling a professional DC plumber to come and repair your broken or clogged dishwasher.  You can also damage your dishes. You should avoid putting the following items in your dishwasher:

·       Food covered dishes

·       Delicate dishes and utensils

·       Fine china

·       Repaired dishes

·       Dishes with cavities or hollow handles

The following types of dishes will damage your dishwasher in Washington DC or get damaged during the cleaning process.

No Dishes With Food Remnants

You should always remember that your dishwasher is not your garbage disposal. As such, you should not put dishes with lots of food remnants in the dishwasher. Scrape or wipe off the food remnants before putting the dish into your dishwasher for cleaning. You can clog the drain line if you do not follow this tip, which can lead to a call to Plumber In DC to get your clog cleared. More information can be found at

Dishes With Labels

Remember those sticky labels that are usually affixed to your new dishes and utensils. Those ones should be removed before the dishes go into your dishwasher in Washington DC. These sticky labels should be peeled off by hand because they can clog the filter or drain.

Glued Dishes

We all love repairing broken mugs and or plates with glue in Washington DC. These glued dishes should never be cleaned in your dishwasher. The glue will melt in the dishwasher and cause a lot of problems.

No Wooden Utensils

Wooden utensils can warp, swell, and even crack when washed in a dishwasher. Clean your wooden spoons and chopping boards by hand under your tap to avoid damages.

No Fine China Dinnerware

Your fine china should not be cleaned in your dishwasher in Washington DC. These delicate cutlery and dinnerware will get scraped and damaged inside the dishwasher during the cleaning process.

No Fine Metallic Dinnerware

And just like your fine china, you should not wash any fine metallic dinnerware and utensils in the dishwasher. Dishes and utensils are bounced around during the cleaning process and this will chip off the fine silver or other metallic trimmings and damage your valuable dinnerware. These expensive utensils will dull permanently after one cleaning session in your service DC

No Hollow Plastics

Plastic dishes with hollow handles are another problem in Washington DC. This is mainly because these dishes do not dry properly. Water can be trapped in the hollow hook and remain there for long. This can create mold and damage your dishes.

No Insulated Travel Mugs

You should also avoid washing insulated travel mugs in your dishwasher in Washington DC. Moisture can seep in and get trapped in the insulation. This moisture will remain there and cause mold to form in your valued travel mug. Unless the insulated travel mug is labeled dishwasher safe, make a habit of washing it by hand.

No Cast Iron Skillets

Cats iron skillets should be cleaned carefully by hand to protect their seasoning. The dishwasher will remove the seasoning.

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