How To Remove Your Lost Valuables From Your Sink Drain

The drainage and sewer system is home to so many foreign objects. People are always throwing objects — voluntarily or involuntarily — down the sink, shower, and even toilet drains. Sometimes we use our drainage system to dispose of some of our items. The toilet is a main victim of all manner of bad disposals from pills to unappreciated jewelry. This is where you dump a ring or some medicines in your toilet voluntarily and flush them down your drains. But sometimes you can lose a valuable item in your kitchen sink or shower drain. You could be doing your dishes or even showering and find that your ring has gone down your kitchen sink or shower drain. At such times, you need to know how to retrieve these valuables from your drainage and sewer system. Luckily for your, the plumbing system is designed to retain solid items for some time in some sections of the drain pipes. This means that if you act fast, you will be able to retrieve your valuable item before it’s lost forever in the municipal sewer system. Here are a few tips for retrieving valuables from your kitchen drains. DC Plumber kitchen drain

Use A Bent Coat Hanger

The first and easiest solution to this problem lies in a coat hanger. You will need a metallic coat hanger for this kind of problem. Remove the drain catch and insert the hanger with the bent end first. Try to feel around for your lost item. A bent coat hanger will come in handy when you have lost something bigger like a toothbrush or a toy. But for the smaller items like rings, you have to use one of the solutions discussed below.

Disassemble The Sink

This might appear like a very technical and hectic solution but it’s quite easy. Disassembling a kitchen sink is not very difficult. Make sure that you turn the water off and then put something below the sink plug to keep it open, Place a bucket below the sink area to catch the water. You can now unscrew the J-pipe from the section closest to the wall and near the sink. The water in the pipe will come and out and fall into the bucket. Check whether your lost valuable is inside the bucket with the water.

Use A Magnetic Or A Pronged Retrieval Tool

If your valuable item is not in the bucket, then it could be trapped in the P-trap, which is the J-shaped pipe under the sink. Now you have to access the drain from the top of the sink. You will need a retrieval tool for this job. Retrieval tools are specially designed tools that look like radio antennae; they can also retract or extend in size. There are several types of retrieval tools; some are magnetic, others are pronged, and some are both magnetic and pronged. These tools cost a few bucks in your local hardware store. Anyway, insert the retrieval tool in the drain and then use a light source to locate the lost item and grip it with the tongs or the magnet. You can now extract the lost valuable and clean it.

Call A Professional Plumber

If all these DIY solutions fail, request drain services in DC to have a professional plumber retrieve your lost valuable. They usually will be able to fish out your valuable even after it has gone down the drain pipe. A professional plumber will not only restore your valuable to you, by removing the article, they will help you avoid a clog in the future.

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